Friday, August 29, 2008

Hamlet 2

There are lots of moments to cherish in this comedy, one which successfully mixes many styles of comedy into a potpourri of lowbrow and insightful jokes. It meanders at times but overall is strong.

What to like?
  • Even the roller skating pratfalls are gems.
  • The scathing theater critic turns out to be a 12-year old student at the school who can't dally because he's late for recess.
  • Catherine Keener is riotous throughout, especially drinking a way oversized margarita.
  • Amy Poehler kills as ACLU advocate. Just watch her take on a legion of firefighters.
  • Elisabeth Shue shines. (OK, I couldn't wait to write that one.)

Drawing (and sometimes quartering) references from Shakespeare to Elton John, Hamlet 2 scores high marks for creativity and belly laughs. I can't wait for Hamlet 3.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Hilarious. There is so much going on in this movie that it seems like it will hold up to multiple viewings. Robert Downey Jr. is amazing, playing a blond Aussie who plays a black American. And it's true, this film might single-handedly rehabilitate the images of Tom Cruise and Nick Nolte.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Who wants to like a new Woody Allen film more than I? No one.

Unfortunately, this film is another case of Charlie Brown trying to kick Lucy's football. Another miss. It's formulaic (for Allen) and boring. The only decent acting is by Penelope Cruz. I think Javier Whatshisname turns in the worst acting I can remember in a while. He's simply terrible. In fact, I thought he was portraying a sociopath or cyborg at first because he just says his lines.

The plot is so contrived and the characters so uninteresting that Allen resorts to an obtrusive narrator to tell us what is really going on. It comes off as a lame gimmick to cover a weak script.

The only redeeming thing about this film is the beauty of the sets and vistas from Barcelona which are stunning and gorgeous. If I ever watch this DVD, I'll turn the sound off.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Pilgrim Monument

Framed nicely by UU Church and back of Chaddington's store.


Moon over Cottage Street


Nice view




Full Moon over Red Inn


Late afternoon sun on the water


Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Corn on the cob is yummy

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Line up ferries!