Thursday, August 28, 2008

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Who wants to like a new Woody Allen film more than I? No one.

Unfortunately, this film is another case of Charlie Brown trying to kick Lucy's football. Another miss. It's formulaic (for Allen) and boring. The only decent acting is by Penelope Cruz. I think Javier Whatshisname turns in the worst acting I can remember in a while. He's simply terrible. In fact, I thought he was portraying a sociopath or cyborg at first because he just says his lines.

The plot is so contrived and the characters so uninteresting that Allen resorts to an obtrusive narrator to tell us what is really going on. It comes off as a lame gimmick to cover a weak script.

The only redeeming thing about this film is the beauty of the sets and vistas from Barcelona which are stunning and gorgeous. If I ever watch this DVD, I'll turn the sound off.


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