Thursday, July 31, 2008

Euphemisms for "died"

Since my parents have always detested the phrase "passed away" and threatened post-mortem retribution if this phrase is used in their obituaries, I thought I'd survey some of the euphemisms employed in the local obituaries for "died".

"passed away" (by far the most common substitution)
"returned to her Heavenly Father"
"entered into rest"
"unexpectedly departed this life"
"entered into eternal rest"
"joined his Heavenly Father"
"went to be with the Lord" (this one on a Sunday, ironically)
"passed from this life"
"passed away to her eternal reward"

Finally, this tearjerker is from a recent tragedy where two young girls (ages 4 and 5) were killed, walking together, by a hit and run driver. The S.O.B. was later arrested thank goodness.
"The girls celebrated this life hand in hand and departed this life hand in hand."


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