Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Missing James Frey and his publisher get bitchslapped by Oprah makes me want to read the Smoking Gun account. I'm no Oprah fan but she done good turning 180 degrees on that slime. It's all about truthiness in the long run, ain't it?
Leaping to a totally different realm, I am reminded of Marcus Borg, a very worthy biblical scholar I admire. One of his recurring themes is "fact" versus "truth" as in:
Given the richness of meaning that a historical-metaphorical reading of Genesis reveals, the creation stories strike me as profoundly true. Critical thinking leads to an understanding of why the details of Genesis are as they are and also makes clear that their truth is not to be understood in literal, factual terms. Rather, their truth is expressed in the nonconceptual language of myth and metaphor, and no particular reading can exhaust their meanings. But I can hear the truth of their central claims.
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