Gangs of Four
No one told me blogging would involve homework but all is forgiven since this is from Michael. In blogspeak, I think he "tagged" me with a "meme", so here goes:
Four Jobs You've Had
1. Clothing store stock clerk (memory: HQ mandated perpetual rotation of Kenny Loggins' 8-track of Celebrate Me Home which led to temporary insanity circa 1977)
2. Baskin-Robbins (memory: abandoning my shift due to a debilitating hangover after I pledged KA the evening before at "Jungle Juice with Pure Grain" night)
3. Small printing press operator (memory: mind-numbing hours of repetitive tasks)
4. Computer industry purchasing & sales--23 years (Lloyd Braun's got nothing on me!)
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Blade Runner
3. Annie Hall
4. Harold and Maude

Four Places You've Lived
1. Kentucky (Lexington & Louisville, ok, that's really two)
2. New Orleans (2 months out of college, I guess that counts)
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Seinfeld
2. The Office
3. Arrested Development
4. Scrubs
Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. Bahamas (Windjammer cruise)
2. Grand Cayman/Ocho Rios/Cozumel (Carnival cruise)
3. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
4. Cape Cod--Provincetown
Four Blogs You Read Daily
1. Daily Dish (Andrew Sullivan)
2. Boblog (Bob Mould)
3. Towleroad (Andy Towle)
4. Huffington Post (Arianna plus many others)
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Kit Kat bars - regular
2. Kit Kat bars - the mocha version (limited edition)
3. Kit Kat bars - the large Big Kat version
4. Kit Kat bars - bite size for the movies

Four Albums You Can't Live Without, Lately
1. Ryan Adams - Cold Roses
2. Joni Mitchell - Songs of a Prairie Girl (collection)
3. Bruce Springsteen - Devils and Dust
4. Sonic Youth - Washing Machine

Four Vehicles You've Owned
1. Mustang
2. Corolla
3. RX-7
4. Camry
Four Jobs You've Had
1. Clothing store stock clerk (memory: HQ mandated perpetual rotation of Kenny Loggins' 8-track of Celebrate Me Home which led to temporary insanity circa 1977)
2. Baskin-Robbins (memory: abandoning my shift due to a debilitating hangover after I pledged KA the evening before at "Jungle Juice with Pure Grain" night)
3. Small printing press operator (memory: mind-numbing hours of repetitive tasks)
4. Computer industry purchasing & sales--23 years (Lloyd Braun's got nothing on me!)
Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey
2. Blade Runner
3. Annie Hall
4. Harold and Maude

Four Places You've Lived
1. Kentucky (Lexington & Louisville, ok, that's really two)
2. New Orleans (2 months out of college, I guess that counts)
Four TV Shows You Love to Watch
1. Seinfeld
2. The Office
3. Arrested Development
4. Scrubs
Four Places You've Been on Vacation
1. Bahamas (Windjammer cruise)
2. Grand Cayman/Ocho Rios/Cozumel (Carnival cruise)
3. Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
4. Cape Cod--Provincetown
Four Blogs You Read Daily
1. Daily Dish (Andrew Sullivan)
2. Boblog (Bob Mould)
3. Towleroad (Andy Towle)
4. Huffington Post (Arianna plus many others)
Four of Your Favorite Foods
1. Kit Kat bars - regular
2. Kit Kat bars - the mocha version (limited edition)
3. Kit Kat bars - the large Big Kat version
4. Kit Kat bars - bite size for the movies

Four Albums You Can't Live Without, Lately
1. Ryan Adams - Cold Roses
2. Joni Mitchell - Songs of a Prairie Girl (collection)
3. Bruce Springsteen - Devils and Dust
4. Sonic Youth - Washing Machine

Four Vehicles You've Owned
1. Mustang
2. Corolla
3. RX-7
4. Camry
but what about the white chocolate kit kat?
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