Wednesday, August 01, 2007


This is an hour-plus one-man stage act where Scott Thompson works through some new material. I didn't expect a lot of this "work in progress" so I wasn't disappointed. There are several good lines and the parts connect, but it needs tightening up certainly. Performers working through their material and not worrying about mistakes is sort of endearing, as in the case of Laurie Anderson, but here it's probably not worth the $25.

From the venue website:
Scottastrophe is a new one man show written and performed by ‘Kid in the Hall’ Scott Thompson about his lifelong love affair with catastrophe. A jaw dropping odyssey from the wilds of northern Canada to the exotic island of Madagascar, Scottastrophe will have you riveted with excitement, filled with awe and convulsed with laughter as you investigate with Scott just how many ways things can go wrong. There’s something for everyone in this daring new show from rectal surgery to sexual harassment, Saddam Hussein to 9/11, and even an encounter with Della Reese.

Scottastrophe: A catastrophe seemingly foisted upon Scott Thompson out of nowhere that he has actually brought on himself. At first it appears tragic but is revealed in time to actually be comic. Eventually it is revealed to be both.


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